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Showing posts from June, 2021

Driveway Slopes longitudinal and transverse limits

Limits For driveway road slopes in concrete asphalt paving as follow:  Longitudinal Slopes: shall not exceeded 14% this is for confort and safety of vehicles. Transvers slopes : should be a minimum 2% towards shoulders of the road, this slopes are made to drain away any comulicative water from rainfall or any from the road. Why concrete needs curing

Mortar Mix Types M, S, N, O, K

Mortar is a mix of cement+water+ sand +lime. It's used for bricks or blocks building. 5 types of cement mortar are commonly used in construction work. Type M mortar : high Compressive Strength mix. It's recommend for high compression loads. Type M mortar consist of the following quantities properties ( by volume) 1portland cement+ 1/4 lime +3.5 sand. Type S mortar:  high bond strength mortar. It's recommend for structures subjects to lateral loads or below grade retaining walls. Type S mortar is made by ( properties by volume): 1portland cement+ 1/2 lime+ 4.5 sand  Type N mortar:  it's the general purpose mortar multiple usage in construction work for most of constructions. The components of type N mortar 1 Portland Cement+ 1 lime + 6 sand ( properties by volume). Type O mortar:   high lime low compressive strength. Common uses in non load bearing structures. Type O mortar consist of 1portland cement + 2 lime+ 9 sand ( properties by volume). Type K mortar: very ...

Brick and Block Wall Construction

Definitions of block and brick Brick and Block common types of Walls partitions in concrete structures. They have many different types some of them: Bricks made of clay or concrete, have a rectangular section with maximum dimensions 25x12x13 cm. Common type 25x12x6cm Blocks made of clay or concrete CMU, have dimensions L ( length) not exceeded 6b(width). Common dimensions is 40x20x20 cm, 40x25x20cm. Solid building unit: have net area greater than 75% gross area. Perforated building unit: when net area from 25%to50% from gross area. Hollow building unit: when unit area from 50% to 75% area gross. Expansion Joint in walls. In continues walls like fences, maximum distance between expansion joints is 12m for clay brick wall and 9 m for concrete blocks. Loads to be taken in design of Walls:  Minimum loads should be taking is own weight + 25kg/m2. The design of Walls not depending on structure loads only, sound and heat isolation should be reviewed. Allowed  horizontal deflection du...

Why concrete structures needs curing?

Curing : It is the process in which moisture, temperature and evaporation are controlled to prevent shrinkage and contraction of freshly poured concrete which may affect on strutural strength of concrete. Problems in uncured concrete  Due to increase of temperature, thermal stresses will cause minor cracks in concrete Loss of water due to evaporation in concrete will stop hydration of cement which decrease compressive strength. Start of curing Curing start after setting the concrete, three or four hours after placing the concrete is adequate. Importance of curing : Experiments shows compressive strength of concrete structures increase with curing as shown in attached graph. Curing for 3 days reach 75% of cubic strength of concrete. Factors affecting on curing Evaporation in concrete is a main factor need to be controlled in curing, evaporation is affected by Temperature, wind and moisture, generally increasing evaporation above 0.5kg/m2 per hour will cause plastic cracks in fresh ...

استخدام الفايبر بدلا من حديد التسليح

اولا ما هو البوليمرات المسلحه بالالياف؟ هي عباره عن مركبات كيميائية تتكون من عنصرين أحدهما الألياف والآخر راتنج بوليمري يتم دمجهما مع بعض لتكون العنصر الانشائي. ثانيا. انواع الالياف هي ألياف الكربون , ألياف الزجاج ، ألياف الآراميد  مميزاته: مقاومه عاليه الاحمال ، خفه الوزن ، عدم قابليتها للصدأ و سهولة الاستخدام ثالثا عيوب الفيبر :  الفيبر والخرسانة هما عناصر قاصفة اي تجعل سلوك انهيار المنشآت الخرسانية مفاجئ وهذا شئ خطير جدا علي أرواح الناس عكس السلوك المطيل لحديد التسليح لذلك اعطي الكود المصري وجميع الاكواد العالميه اشتراطات خاصه جدا جدا لاستخدام الفيبر بديل للحديد. بالإضافة إلي ذلك ارتفاع سعره مقابل الحديد  الخلاصه:  استخدامه حاليا في ترميم و تدعيم المنشآت الخرسانية مع الحديد ولكن لا بديل عن الحديد حتي لا يحدث انهيار مفاجئ المنشآت  لقد شرحت محاضره عن ترميم وتدعيم المنشآت الخرسانية باستخدام الفيبر في نقابه المهندسين بالأقصر عام ٢٠١٩  * سيتم اضافه المحاضره كامله لاحقا   Fiber reinforced polymers FRP Steel rebar color chart

5 types of portland cement and their uses in concrete structures

In structural engineering knowledge there are different types of cement structural engineer should select between them to suit the environment and type of structures. Types of Cement used in concrete structures. Type I  it's general type of cement, usually most common type of Cement Type II  : moderate resistance to sulfates,  usually used when sulfates are founded in soil or ground water. Type III : high early strength, it's used when quick remove of form-works or early strength is required. Please note High early strength NOT meaning high Compressive Strength,  Type IV : low heat cement, it's recommend to use in bulk or mass concrete which high hydration temperature will generate. The generated temperature may cause cracks in concrete. Type V : high resistance to sulfates. It's commonly used in areas where high sulfates concentration in soil or ground water is founded. Concrete compressive strength acceptance Criteria

what are common methods of curing the concrete structures?

Curing Methods In concrete structures there are basic methods used to increase strength of strucures, curing is the most factor structure design, construction engineer should follow to ensure concrete reach the desired compressive strength. 1-   Continuous or frequent applications of water to the surface ·    P onding: it used mainly in horizontal surfaces by applying by pond of water ·       Continuous Spraying of water by sprinklers or any, avoiding alternate wetting and drying and the application of cold water to warm concrete surfaces; ·         Covering the surface with a damp absorbent material like canvas fabric or any, usually adding water to canvas two or three times per day. 2- Covering the surface to prevent water losses ·     covering the surface with an impermeable material such as polyethylene, which should be well sealed and fastened ·      spraying the su...

Concrete Strength acceptance Criteria

 Concrete strength acceptance Criteria for concrete structures As per ACI318 The compressive strength of 28 days is considered satisfactory if both conditios are met,  1. No single strength test falls below the specified compressive strength by more than 500psi (32kg/cm2) for FCU>5000Psi (340kf/cm2)& or 0.1Fcu for FCU<5000psi(340kg) cm2)  2.the average of every three consecutive strength test equal or exceeded the specified compressive strength.   chmidit hammer test accuracy

Steel rebar color chart

In strutural engineering works, Every steel bar has a standard color at the end which may use to identify steel bar diameter as follows:  -Steel bar diameter 10mm use green color. Steel bar diameter 12mm uses red color. Steel bar diameter 16mm use blue color. Steel bar diameter 18mm use White color. Steel bar diameter 20mm use brown color Steel bar diameter 22mm use yellow color. Steel bar diameter 25 use dark green color Steel bar diameter 32mm use black color.  , the attached picture show every steel bar diameter with the corresponding color in Egypt

High strength friction grip bolts

High friction grip bolts are commonly used in strutural steel works. They normally consist of high tensile strength bolts and nuts with washers. The bolts are tightened to a shank tension so that the transverse load across the joint is resisted by the friction between the plated rather than the bolts shanks shear strength. Difference between fasteners types bolts and screws

Fasteners types bolts vs screw

Fastener is a general term to describe something used as a restraint for holding things together or attaching to other things. Bolts : contain shanks without threads  Screw: entity full of threads High strength grip bolts

High strength concrete

1.0 High strength concrete are used in concrete structures it have a compressive strength more than 40MPa, it improves the structural performance of the structure by producing dense concrete, more durable and higher load capacity concrete, reduce the size of concrete members and saving costs. The potential broblem of using high strength concrete is increasing thermal cracking, increased thermal strains, decrease ductility of concrete and decrease fire restance 2.1 MATERIALS  .1 Cement Type: Type I Normal, and type V (Sulphate Resistant), Type IV low heat of hydration, as per E.S.S. 373, E.S.S. 541, E.S.S. 583, E.S.S. 2149, ACI 318, ASTM C 150, ASTM C 595, and ASTM C 845 . .2 It is anticipated that one or more supplementary cementing materials will have to be used in the concrete to produce a mix with acceptable fresh and hardened concrete properties and acceptable thermal characteristics during hardening. The materials will be one or more of the following a) Granulated ...

What are the different types of shoring?

 Shoring , back shoring and re shoring are usually used to support concrete structures, it's basics of construction work to hire structure design engineer to design shoring system for vertical (beans, slabs) and horizontal structures( walls, columns). Shoring system shall be reviewed by structure engineer to ensure safety of workers and passengers.   Definition of Shoring, Back shoring and re shoring  Shoring   :used  to support horizontal structures like slab system that will be poured Back shoring used to support slab system that recent poured to prevent bending under it's own weight  Re shoring used to support slab system that was poured after the slab has defected under it's own weight  Form work means the surface of the form and framing used to contain and shape wet concrete until it is   self supporting False work Temporary constructions such as props or scaffolding to support arched or spanning structures by holding the...

FIDIC Constructions 2017- some important clauses

 this is some of  FIDIC clauses  and actions required by contractor and employee Clause no Clause Action by Action 1.9 Delayed drawings Contractor - Give notice to engineer -EOT+ cost+ profit 1.13 Compliance with laws Employer To give all required permits and licenses     Contractor For delayed permits : EOT+ cost+ profit 1.6 Contract agreement Employer Within 35 day after letter of acceptance 2.1 Right of access to the site Employer       Contractor If delayed EOT+ cost+ profit 2.4 Employers financial arrangement employer Give notice to the contractor when 1-variation >10% or sum of all variations >30% 2- doesn’t receive p...